Real Estate Blog November 2024
Altea, a privileged place for its geography, beauty and microclimate.
When it only rained heavily for a few minutes during the now sadly famous DANA, a few kilometres from here (Jávea, Denia, Valencia, etc.), they had a hard time….
Here the Sierra de Bernia protects us from floods and extreme weather.
Is that why more and more people come to live here every day?
I am passing on some news that have caught my attention:
News number 1:
This should serve as an example to more than one of those who govern us and who slander businessmen:
Juan Roig’s million-dollar aid in the midst of mourning to reactivate Valencia
The CEO of Mercadona is showing his most human side by following the needs on the ground and helping to rebuild the economic fabric as soon as possible
Juan Roig has made it clear in the DANA crisis that he is not a man to take the emergency stairs and run away.
He would not even stop on the landing to let his tears show.
He is not given to sentimental nonsense, at least in public, and, on the other hand, it is difficult to measure the pain in tragedy, but it has also hit him well.
Among the dead are great friends: Miguel Burdeos, one of his partners, Vicente Tarancón, Antonio Noblejas and José Luis Marín, swept away by the flood when they were returning from lunch. “It is a very hard blow,” he said after their lifeless bodies were found.
He is not a hero, nor do the citizens need one, but just another man with a firm hold to weather the storm that is coming now without the need for the air to be filled with fireworks in his wake.
A leader who, to the war cry “alcem-se” (let us rise), will sweat until he returns to his land what nature has taken from it.
Read the full story at:
News number 2:
So you can see how things stand:
The price of housing continues to rise while most potential buyers can only afford apartments of up to 210,000 euros
Almost half of the people looking for a home on the market are concentrated in the price ranges that barely exceed 200,000 euros, according to data from Idealista.
Salaries have been practically stagnant for years, while the price of housing has skyrocketed – it grew by 9.6% in October, to 200,000 euros. 2,209 euros/m2 – due to the lack of stock, which during the third quarter of 2024 has been reduced by 10% compared to the same period last year.
Consequently, what potential buyers demand and what the market offers are completely different. I don’t know why that sounds familiar to me in Altea…
Read the full news at:
News number 3:
When you see your neighbour’s beard shaved, put yours to soak…
The purchase of houses by foreigners in Portugal falls by 22% after the end of the ‘golden visa’
The good climate, the security and the high level of quality of life that Portugal offers does not seem to be enough to continue attracting foreigners to live in our neighbouring country.
The Portuguese National Institute of Statistics (INE) has confirmed that the purchase and sale of homes made by international buyers fell by around 20% at the beginning of 2024 compared to the previous quarter, coinciding with the changes in the conditions for accessing both the Non-Habitual Residents (RNH) regime and the residence permits for non-EU foreigners who invest in housing, known as ‘golden visa’, and which have led to a decline in the residential market.
An impact that experts had already anticipated.
You already know that here they are removing it next year……
Read the full news at:
Altea News 1:
Altea will experience an intense Christmas with the most varied activities
The departments of Commerce, Social Welfare, Culture, Sports, Education, Festivals and Youth have announced the activities they have organised jointly so that the municipality can enjoy a wide and varied programme, aimed at all audiences, during Christmas.
The Christmas Lights Switch-On will take place on Friday 29 November at 6:00 p.m.
The municipal area of Commerce has launched the Christmas Market for another year, which will take place from 6 to 8 December in the Town Hall Square.
As is already traditional in Altea, Santa Claus will visit us on the 21st, and will be in the Town Hall Square in the morning and afternoon, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Read the full news at:
Altea vivirá una intensa Navidad con actividades de lo más variado
News from Altea 2
Transportes puts out to tender the works to modernise the Mascarat tunnel on the AP-7
The objective is to reinforce and update the security, lighting and communications systems of these infrastructures.
Among other actions, the construction of galleries and emergency exits, fire-fighting installations and radio communication systems inside them will be addressed.
The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility has tendered for 11.4 million euros (VAT included) the works of modernization of the Xeresa and El Mascarat tunnels located on the AP-7 motorway, in the provinces of Valencia and Alicante respectively.
The objective is to reinforce and update the security, lighting and communications systems of these infrastructures, among others.
And to finish the blog, a final reflection:
Be good!
Abel Micheletti