Emotional Intelligence for young people
Abel Micheletti
That energy, if you know how to take advantage of it and find your niche, what you really like to do, you will take on the world…….

Talks to motivate changes
When young
you have a thousand ideas, enthusiasm to do countless things.
But you waste a lot of time, and usually on bullshit.
That energy, if you know how to take advantage of it and find your niche, what you really like to do, you will take on the world…….
Having the enthusiasm to be able to do what you really like, and with the curiosity to discover new things, young people have enormous potential in today’s new, ever-changing world.
And since I love helping people, I trying to help young people find their direction, and so that they can direct their profession towards a goal that fills them with satisfaction and gives them a purpose in their life.
In my lectures I tell stories (most of them have happened to me) and I try to teach tricks to know how to cope with daily life…
And always with a lot of humor.
Because laughter, in addition to producing endorphins that give us health and happiness, makes us have a pleasant time, which in these times is not a bad thing…
In my talks I tell very vivid experiences that have been a very positive lesson for the rest of my life.
My conferences last 60 minutes,
Whether you have young employees or if you manage sales teams and want to help them, and above all motivate them, organize a motivational conference that will help them find a way to relate better with the rest of the team, and consequently produce more.
I give lectures to young people between 20 and 30 years old to help them find what they really like to do, and to lose their fear of enthusiastically undertaking any project that makes them happy.